We speak to REALTORS® often about ideas and ways to connect to their past and future clients. Valentines Day is an excellent opportunity to connect, re-connect or just show some love to your clients. As you are wishing your sphere a happy Valentine’s Day, your goal should be just that: checking in sending them a holiday message. Don’t lead with business or expect something in return immediately. Strong relationships are built from a place of caring and leading with contribution. Here are a few simple ideas.
- 1. Love themed marketing materials.
- 2. Host an Open House and Raffle off a romantic dinner
- 3. Feature romantic ways to stage a house
- 4. Create a Valentine’s Day gift guide
- 5. Highlight the most romantic restaurants on your social media
- 6. Hold a Valentines Day themed contest on Social Media
- 7. Create and deliver a Valentine’s Day themed pop-by
- 8. Create a scavenger hunt and hide Valentine’s Day themed prizes around town and encourage your sphere to participate
- 9. Offer a gift with purchase to couple who use you to buy a home in February
- 10. Send a good old-fashioned Valentine’s Day Card
We hope these spark a few ideas to help you show love to your clients this month and keep you top of mind for their future real estate needs.